Sword Commissions
Appraisal in Japan (Shinsa)
Sword Restorations
Armor Restorations

Available Services

Sword Commissions

Swordsmiths in Japan are regulated by the government. Smiths have to be licensed and are restricted to making two long swords or three shorts swords per month. Every aspect of sword making by all the craftsmen involved is by hand.

Due to the various craftsmen involved in the completion of one blade, there are various waiting lists. On average, it takes approximately one year from your initial payment to complete your order. Longer if you have also ordered mountings.

After a brief discussion to confirm that your order meets your specifications, using our specialist translation services (sword terminology is complicated and most swordsmiths do not speak English), we will then place your order for you.

Use our F.A.Q. for more information.
Sword Appraisals in Japan

Please note all Shinsa services and sword appraisal services are suspended until further notice due to the current Pandemic.



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Sword Restorations

You can use our services to access the best craftsmen available in Japan today, The Japanese Sword can proudly offer the highest quality Japanese sword services available in the world.

Whatever your traditional Japanese sword needs are, whether it is polishing, shirasaya, koshirae, habaki, tsukamaki, lacquering, blade, fittings commission or complete restorations, we have connections to the traditionally fully apprenticed craftsmen in Japan that can meet those needs.

Craftsmen, including Living National Treasures, Master Craftsmen, Prize winning artisans and Iai-shinken related services too.

Feel free to contact us by sending us a message from the contact page. We look forward to hearing from you

Armor Restorations

You can also use our services to find access to the best Armor restroring craftsmen available in Japan today, The Japanese Sword can proudly offer the highest quality armor restoration services available in the world.

Whatever your Japanese warrior armor needs are, whether it is repairing, cleaning or complete restorations, we have connections to the traditionally fully apprenticed craftsmen in Japan that can meet those needs.

We also provide agent services for armor appraisal and certification by the Japanese Armour Society.

Also if you are looking to add to your collection of authentic Japanese armor,use our contact page. We may be able to help.